Watch YouTube video on biological control of fungus gnats with beneficial nematodes. What are fungus gnats? Fungus gnats (Bradysia coprophila,…
Watch YouTube video on Biological and Cultural Control of the Mexican Bean Beetles What are the Mexican Bean beetles? The…
YouTube Video on Natural Control of Leaf-footed Bugs Introduction In this blog, we’re exploring the fascinating world of leaf-footed bugs…
Introduction to Natural Enemies Squash bugs, Anasa tristis, are notorious pests in cucurbit crops such as squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, and…
Preventing of Overwintering of Japanese Beetle (watch YouTube video) Currently, beneficial entomopathogenic nematodes (Photo 1) such as Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and…
both the nymphs and adults of mantids directly feed on many crop pests like aphids, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, mites, crane flies, moths, butterflies and their immature stages like larvae, caterpillars, grubs and nymphs, these insects cannot produce future generations of insect pests
What are white-marked tussock moths? White-marked tussock moths (Orgyia leucostigma) are grayish in color and their larvae are about 1.5…
How do pecan weevils cause damage to pecan nuts? Pecan weevils are scientifically called Curculio caryae. Both the adult and…
Overwintering stages of small hive beetles Watch following video about identification of small hive beetles: Only adults of the small…
Iris borer identification Iris borers (Macronoctua onusta) are lepidopterous insects that cause damage to all types of iris including a…