Table 2. List of species of insect pests that are susceptible to major entomopathogenic nematodes Species of insect pests Entomopathogenic nematode species Publications…
Biological and Cultural methods to control imported cabbageworms The cabbage butterfly is commonly called as imported cabbageworm, Artogeia rapae (Pieris…
Interaction between flea beetles and entomopathogenic nematodes Flea beetles are called as flea beetles because they jump like fleas. Flea…
What are Japanese beetles? As name implies Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica are native to Japan but in the United States,…
Fleas are one of the medically important pests of both animals and humans as they are capable of transmitting different…
A Symposium entitled “Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Multitrophic interactions in the Rhizosphere” has been organized by Raquel Campos-Herrera, Claudia Dolinski and…
Incidence of Kudzu bugs on Chinese long beans For the last couple of years, I have been growing Chinese long…
Why entomopathoegnic Heterorhabditis indica nematodes should be used to kill small hive beetles? They are not harmful to honeybees and…
Honeybees: Honeybees are the insects that are members of the genus Aphis belonging to an insect order, Hymenoptera, family, Aphidae and class,…
In my last blog post, I demonstrated the cutworms were susceptible to beneficial entomopathogenic Steinernema carpocapsae nematodes. These results are…